

by | May 19, 2024 | Blog | 1 comment

Introduction: A Journey of Self-Discovery

My name is ALI IBRAR, and I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from USMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (UIT) University. Like many recent graduates, I found myself at a crossroads after completing my degree. The questions were endless: What should I do next? Which field is the right one for me? Where should I start my career? These uncertainties led me to take up a job as a customer representative at a call center for lead generation, a position far removed from my field of study. But who is Ali Ibrar?

Struggling to Find Direction After Graduation

For two years, I wrestled with these questions, feeling as though I was wasting valuable time. It was during this period of confusion and self-doubt that a pivotal moment occurred. One day, while scrolling through Facebook, I came across an advertisement by Sir Aamir Ahmer promoting his digital marketing course. Intrigued by the ad, I watched it but initially continued scrolling.

The Turning Point: Discovering Digital Marketing

However, the next day, Facebook’s algorithm showed me more ads related to digital marketing. This repetition piqued my curiosity. I began to wonder why these ads were appearing and what digital marketing truly entailed. My interest grew, and I started researching the field. I realized the potential and relevance of digital marketing in today’s digital age.

Embracing Digital Marketing: Enrollment in Sir Aamir Ahmer’s Course

Determined to explore this new avenue, I decided to enroll in Sir Aamir Ahmer’s digital marketing course. This decision marked the beginning of my journey into the world of digital marketing. The course provided me with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills, paving the way for my new career. Sir Aamir’s guidance was instrumental in this transformation, and I am profoundly grateful to him for helping me find my path.

Expanding Skills with Website Development: Learning from Sir Abdul Rehman

Parallel to my digital marketing journey, I also developed an interest in website development. Watching videos by Sir Abdul Rehman and completing his WordPress course greatly enhanced my technical skills. His instructional videos were clear and informative, making complex concepts easy to understand. This dual expertise in digital marketing and website development has significantly broadened my professional capabilities.

A New Career in Digital Marketing

Today, I am a digital marketer, providing various digital marketing services. The decision to pivot from software engineering to digital marketing has been life-changing. I owe a debt of gratitude to Sir Aamir Ahmer and Sir Abdul Rehman for their invaluable guidance and support. They have not only helped me discover my passion but also equipped me with the skills to thrive in my chosen field.

Conclusion: The Importance of Curiosity, Persistence, and Guidance

In conclusion, finding the right career path can be a daunting process, but with curiosity, persistence, and the right mentorship, it is possible to discover a fulfilling and successful career. My journey from a confused graduate to a confident digital marketer is a testament to the power of continuous learning and the impact of inspirational mentors.

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1 Comment

  1. Ahmed Falak

    Hey, good to see your website bro. Very happy brother


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